Monday, May 18, 2009

To Prius or not to Prius?

Have you had the chance to see one of these go by and feel a pang of guilt because you fill your gas tank up twice a week? Should you mortgage your now even less valuable home to afford this green planet-saving car?

One resource claims no. The Recorder an online newspaper, claims that you are better off buying a Hummer over a Prius in terms of how much environmental damage you will do to the environment. They rationalize this claim due to the costly and surprising non-green production inputs of the Prius. They further claim that when comparing the energy spent over the vehicle production and life of the car, a Hummer would use 50% more energy. This is largely based on the 100,000 mile predicted battery life span of the Prius and the environmental costs associated with the battery's production. Check out the article, here. (I am not making a statement as to resources' concreteness)

Not convinced, I don't know if I am either, but I am also not convinced that the Prius is all that it is cracked up to be. I guess what I am saying is that there are always two sides to everything. I find too many people buy into the idea that being green means you own a Prius.

I personally believe that the Prius is a wonderful invention and although I do not think it is the lean green machine everyone thinks it is, I am certain that its production moves car industries in the right direction.

SO ANYWAYS.... I have been thinking about how "cool" it is to own and drive a Prius. Or at least how cool everyone thinks it is. Which has led me to design some new amazing Prius merchandise! So you think your green when your driving car? What about when you leave your car? How will people know your green to the bone? Which is why I've designed this super cool green Prius belt.

The belt not only holds up your pants but gives off low CO2 emissions.

What about for you ladies out there, how can you show your green pride if a belt is not your thing? Well with Prius earnings!

Won't you be popular when people know you are environment friendly enough to buy earrings that run on completely natural energy.

Works for all occasions:
Fancy black tie dinner? You bet!
Sporting event? Of course!
Tying the knot? Don't worry they come in white too!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Have you considered going full blown electric? I hear they have some great options out there.

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