Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anonmity Anymamity Anonymidity... that is, Anonymity

All super heroes wear a mask to protect their identity. I don't claim to be a super hero, but I do think that protection of one's self and family are essential.

This is why many choose to have a private blog. But, with a private blog it is such a hassle to add new viewers to your blog.

For this reason I use the pseudonyms of Mrs. and Dr. Joe.

I do welcome people we know and trust follow to our blog, but do request that these people not write comments that indicate who we are.

Mrs. Joe is quite knowledgeable in the area of internet security and has often told me the damage that can be done in terms of identity theft, credit card fraud, etc. when personal information is found in the wrong hands. Information such as birthday, name, address, and names of family members.
Here is a link to the U.S. department of Justice's website. Which contains additional information of internet fraud.
To quote the Incredibles, " Your identity is your most valuable possession"

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