Sunday, May 17, 2009

What to do?

This is the start of my very own blog. I am creating this blog to allow myself the opportunity to talk and discuss whatever it is I feel like talking about. I may discuss worthwhile issues, I may comment on things that bother me or are just plain fascinating. This blog will not be for everyone and in fact it will mostly be just for me.
I am unsure if the female population does this, but men when they congregate they discuss things of no particular importance to anyone but those involved in the conversation. To outsiders the discussions appear to be merely off the wall ideas and pointless debates, to those inside the group, it becomes a fraternity of complex thoughts and equitable philosophy. I hope this blog can be another such place.
Most men do not need to always do something, they are happy enough just to talk about it. If you ask a guy to take out the trash he is just as likely to take it out, as he is to try and start a discussion about the optimal shape and design of trash bags in general. And so, I invite people everywhere and anywhere to share in this blog, send me topics you would like to discuss and I hope this can be a great resource for those who enjoy conversations ranging from electric cars to political issues to great movie quotes and good ideas that we have that we will never really implement.
P.S. I am not a doctor, I am not even a Joe (we can discuss this later)

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