Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And the award goes to...

Mrs. Joe!

What award? The award given out for most awesome birthday present ever.

-This post is written by the recipient of the aforementioned gift, that is Dr. Joe.

Yesterday was my birthday, but the story behind the award starts the day before my birthday.
At 2:45 the day before my birthday Mrs. Joe is having me drive her from her work to the airport, are we picking someone up or is anyone flying anywhere? Not to my knowledge.

We take a slight detour away from the terminals and head toward the section of the airport that has hotels, rental cars services, and the cell phone lot. We pull into the parking lot of Avis rent-a-car. Which makes you wonder why pull into a rental car location if you already have a car and are not planning on going anywhere?

I'll tell you why,

Because here you can rent the 2009 Chevy Camaro!
In case you can not tell, the happy character behind the wheel of the beautiful Camaro is me. Mrs. Joe rented for a 24 hour period this car. She knew I did not have any pressing obligations for the next 24 hours which is why she gave me the present a day early. Not only was this car as fun to drive as it looks but it is the same car that Mrs. Joe and I drive by on a weekly basis. Each time we pass the house where it is usually parked she can always see me crane my neck for a better look and say some comment about how cool of a car it is.

That night Mrs. Joe and I drove all over, from the temple to our favorite backwoods ice cream store, we even made sure to get some drive thur food.

We did not come home until the sun and long gone down. In the morning Mrs. Joe had to work, while I was able to continue enjoying my present. I drove all over Massachusetts. I went up curve mountain roads and sped like crazy on back farm roads.

I had a wonderful birthday and Mrs. also did many other nice birthday things for me, such as taking me to wonderful Indian restaurant. I had a great day.

Thanks babe, for the great present and for the love that you have always shown me. I love you so much!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Famous Higher Degree holders


Darth Vader: Master of evil (that is according to Obi Wan)

Master Chief

Do you remember this game? I suppose the winner earned a masters of neuroscience

And of course, Heman, master of the universe(astrophysics)

Doctorate recipients

Dr. Dre, I am unsure what he is a doctor of exactly, but it appears he is quite successful at it.

The ever popular Doc. Martins, podiatrist

Doctor Doom, another lame bad guy, with specialties in the area of doom. (definition of doom: an unpleasant or disastrous destiny, also: not very fun at parties)

Dr. Pepper, well know for his doctorate in nutrition and the vanity for trying to blanket America with cans of soda.
Dr. Evil, A doctorate in evil studies is very important. Instead of just doing evil like Darth Vader could, he is actually able to teach evil and publish papers on evil, as well as do evil.

Of course the list could go on. It could very well include everyone bugs bunny ever met.

Let me know if I am forgetting some of our most famous master or doctorate recipients. I want to make sure we pay tribute to their hard work and dedication.

(As a side note Dr. Joe, does not in fact have his doctorate at this time, for that reason and the reason that he is not famous he is not included in the list above.)

Sunday, June 14, 2009


After two years of dedicated study above and beyond college a stalwart student will earn what is called a master's degree.

The same degree that Heman earned in Astrophysics (as he was a master of the universe). This degree is very special, although it is not customary to call those who have achieved this degree master, such as Master Smith or Master Joe, perhaps it should be.

My Brother B. last year earned his own master's degree. This allowed for several jokes as to whether everyone will now have to refer to him as master or not. Which of course leads to the need for designing rules as to who needs to address a masters recipient as master and who does not.

Master Rules:
1.You have to refer to a masters recipient as master, with the exception of if you yourself have a masters degree or higher(ex. JD PhD MD).

2. Rule one has the exception where masters may refer to each other by master for the sake of recreating the funny situations where a group of doctors keep calling each by the title of doctor. (Excuse me doctor. Oh by all means doctor. Did you catch the game last night, doctor?)

3. Another exception is if you are married to the person you are referring to, then you do not have to refer to them as master. This is because due to the demands placed on a spouse, all and every degree earned with the accompaniment of said spouse is equitably earned by both parties. Grandfathered into this rule is that this stills holds for a spouse who was married after the said degree has been achieved. This extension of the rule is to allow for more peaceful marital relationships.

4. Children do not have to refer to anyone as master, this is a right given to minors which is surrender once they legally become an adult. The rule is especially beneficial for toddlers who have enough difficulty saying mama and dada, let alone master smith. This rule also exists because the chances of teenagers actually obeying this law is so remote we would have few remaining teenagers (this of course assumes a heavy punishment would be assigned to failure to abide by the above rules).

5. There is a long standing debate whether a master's own children should have to call them by master once the reach the age of 18. The agreed upon decision is that the title of Dad and Mom largely outweigh in terms of value and respect the title of master or even doctor for that matter. With this decision has come the stipulation that if a child starts to refer to their parent by their first name, the mentioned parent may request proper identification of his master's title before their name.

6. With age comes wisdom, for this reason once a person is 15 years your senior or more they have no obligation to call you master. This is just as well because no parent will ever call their own child master. As for the small loophole this creates, we think it is a fair one.

7. When an individual is saying master he/she may, to show added respect, bow slightly or give a winning smile. It is also acceptable to roll your eyes each time you say this or slur your words together to show less respect.

These rules will help ensure that people seek out after these wonderful degrees. Please email or comment if you can think of any other beneficial rules (all proposed rules go through an intense screening process and Dr. Joe[myself] has overall veto power).

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anonmity Anymamity Anonymidity... that is, Anonymity

All super heroes wear a mask to protect their identity. I don't claim to be a super hero, but I do think that protection of one's self and family are essential.

This is why many choose to have a private blog. But, with a private blog it is such a hassle to add new viewers to your blog.

For this reason I use the pseudonyms of Mrs. and Dr. Joe.

I do welcome people we know and trust follow to our blog, but do request that these people not write comments that indicate who we are.

Mrs. Joe is quite knowledgeable in the area of internet security and has often told me the damage that can be done in terms of identity theft, credit card fraud, etc. when personal information is found in the wrong hands. Information such as birthday, name, address, and names of family members.
Here is a link to the U.S. department of Justice's website. Which contains additional information of internet fraud.
To quote the Incredibles, " Your identity is your most valuable possession"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mrs. Joe

Yes, there is a Mrs. Joe.
She is the best part of my life. (if you would prefer to skip a cheesy but true husbands description of his wife you may wish to skip half way down the page) She is my truest friend and greatest confidant. She is beautiful and humble. Strong and giving. Wise and kind. And I really could go on.
I do not know if anyone is jealous of the love and relationship we have, but I think they should be. Not that people do not have what we have, but that what we have is so good, how could any sensible person not want it?

Perhaps you have heard the song, till there was you, from the musical the music man. Or heard one of the many covers over the years. This music describes very well what my wife has meant to me. So much of life and living was opened to me as she entered my life.

Before Mrs. Joe, I would hear a song and the words and the melodies would not have any great significance to me. I liked music, but I did not fully hear what was being said. This among many thing changed as I met, fell in love with and married my loving wife. Music gained a new importance as being the only medium that could correctly express the feeling and emotions that come from love.

We are not perfect and we have many things we have to work at and improve upon. But, I am happy to say my life has a wonderful depth and meaning to it because of her.

I plan on sharing my forever with her.

I invite anyone to respond. Do you hear bells on a hill? Do you have a relationship that makes you better, stronger, or brings meaning to your life and purpose to your actions? Do you have a song which so very well describes your relationship with someone special? This does not even have to be a romantic relationship, just a relationship that makes you more than you ever would be alone. I would love to hear about it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

To Prius or not to Prius?

Have you had the chance to see one of these go by and feel a pang of guilt because you fill your gas tank up twice a week? Should you mortgage your now even less valuable home to afford this green planet-saving car?

One resource claims no. The Recorder an online newspaper, claims that you are better off buying a Hummer over a Prius in terms of how much environmental damage you will do to the environment. They rationalize this claim due to the costly and surprising non-green production inputs of the Prius. They further claim that when comparing the energy spent over the vehicle production and life of the car, a Hummer would use 50% more energy. This is largely based on the 100,000 mile predicted battery life span of the Prius and the environmental costs associated with the battery's production. Check out the article, here. (I am not making a statement as to resources' concreteness)

Not convinced, I don't know if I am either, but I am also not convinced that the Prius is all that it is cracked up to be. I guess what I am saying is that there are always two sides to everything. I find too many people buy into the idea that being green means you own a Prius.

I personally believe that the Prius is a wonderful invention and although I do not think it is the lean green machine everyone thinks it is, I am certain that its production moves car industries in the right direction.

SO ANYWAYS.... I have been thinking about how "cool" it is to own and drive a Prius. Or at least how cool everyone thinks it is. Which has led me to design some new amazing Prius merchandise! So you think your green when your driving car? What about when you leave your car? How will people know your green to the bone? Which is why I've designed this super cool green Prius belt.

The belt not only holds up your pants but gives off low CO2 emissions.

What about for you ladies out there, how can you show your green pride if a belt is not your thing? Well with Prius earnings!

Won't you be popular when people know you are environment friendly enough to buy earrings that run on completely natural energy.

Works for all occasions:
Fancy black tie dinner? You bet!
Sporting event? Of course!
Tying the knot? Don't worry they come in white too!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What to do?

This is the start of my very own blog. I am creating this blog to allow myself the opportunity to talk and discuss whatever it is I feel like talking about. I may discuss worthwhile issues, I may comment on things that bother me or are just plain fascinating. This blog will not be for everyone and in fact it will mostly be just for me.
I am unsure if the female population does this, but men when they congregate they discuss things of no particular importance to anyone but those involved in the conversation. To outsiders the discussions appear to be merely off the wall ideas and pointless debates, to those inside the group, it becomes a fraternity of complex thoughts and equitable philosophy. I hope this blog can be another such place.
Most men do not need to always do something, they are happy enough just to talk about it. If you ask a guy to take out the trash he is just as likely to take it out, as he is to try and start a discussion about the optimal shape and design of trash bags in general. And so, I invite people everywhere and anywhere to share in this blog, send me topics you would like to discuss and I hope this can be a great resource for those who enjoy conversations ranging from electric cars to political issues to great movie quotes and good ideas that we have that we will never really implement.
P.S. I am not a doctor, I am not even a Joe (we can discuss this later)

Swine Flu

And what a better way to start blogging then by talking about the Swine flu nuttiness, so I ask:

What is this Swine Flu (H1N1) madness?

Have people gone crazy? Perhaps people are just bored. Why is there so much hype?

I do not follow the news and yet all I hear is about the upcoming pandemic. This is what I have heard:

(How could these cute guys cause so many problems? You know they most likely have to deal with people flu pandemics more often then we deal with the swine variety)

Source: A personal physician

Informed us that Swine flu is less deadly than the regular flu. People who die from this are usually the chronically ill who might have died from the regular flu. For most people this disease will take its course in 5 days. 30,000 people die each year as a result of the "regular" flu.

From, which I can not vouch for: this website mentions that in 1976 we had a similar 'Swine flu' the NYT headlines:February 20, 1976:" U.S. Calls Flu Alert On Possible Return Of Epidemic's Virus; U.S. FLU ALERT SET ON EPIDEMIC VIRUS" Then the next month Gerald Ford, the president at this time, asks Congress for $135 million to try to create a vaccine, Congress approves the money and a new vaccine is created. The new vaccine ends up being linked with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and use of the vaccine is canceled.

What this tells us is that: first, a cure might be worse than the disease and second, the use of the words 'Pandemic' and 'Epidemic' quickly inspire fear in the populace. One thing that is clear is these words allowed a large sum of money to be approved by Congress to be quickly spent to try and fix something which just naturally went away anyway. This is what makes me worry, is this buttering us up to approve some other Congress budgetary issue which will have a similar response? That is, it will do nothing. Or perhaps, as Mrs. Joe has suggested, this is getting people ready to accept whatever health related piece of legislation that Congress or the President wants approved. Such as... universal health care?

Although I am not a big fan of universal health care, perhaps if the government consolidates it's services to be in the same building, we can wait in the same line for stamps, driver's licence renewals and the routine checkup! Imagine the convenience!

What this says to me is that we as a people need to not be so quick to run like lemmings off of the side of the cliff. The media has been quick to make this into as big of a story as possible and the media is only a reaction of the population, meaning that if we make a big deal of a small thing, so will they.

***Swine Flu Update
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